Expenditure by Outgoing Type

Running the Expenditure by Outgoing Type gives you on a pie chart your expenses based on your expenditure broken down by outgoing type.

Running the Report

You can access the report by going to Tools & Reports > Expenditure Reports > Expenditure by Outgoing Type.  Once here you will need to specify: Start Date: This is the date you want to include invoices from based on issue date End Date: This is the date you want invoices up until based on issue date.

Viewing the Report

The next screen will contain a pie chart showing the outgoing types and value of the type, the amounts here are exclusive of VAT.  A different coloured segment will reflect each Outgoing type, each segment is representative of how much money has been spent on each code opposed to the others.  You can choose to Print This Report, which will give you a printable copy of the pie chart, or you can choose Download To CSV, which will show you in a spreadsheet format the breakdown of amounts.

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