This guidance will talk you how to quickly customize your documents and assumes that you’re using the clean theme.
Adding a Logo
To add your logo go to Settings > PDF Options > Clean Theme > Images > Tick the box for Logo > Upload your logo. The logo width is current width of the logo, to scale it click into the logo width box and enter a smaller number. When ready, click Save & Preview.
Adding a Background Image
To add a background image go to Settings > PDF Options > Clean Theme > Images > Tick the boxes for Background Image > Upload your background image. The typical dimensions for a background images are 891 pixels high x 630 pixels wide. If your image isn’t in these dimensions it will be scaled to fit across entire page. To show the background image on all pages of your documents rather than just the first, tick the Repeat Background Image tick box. When ready, click Save & Preview.
Additional Text & Footer
You can add a footer to appear on all your documents, as well as define standard additional text to appear on certain documents. To add these, go to Settings > PDF Options > Clean Theme > Misc Options.
- Document Footer – Enter in the footer to appear on ALL documents.
- Additional Text – Use this box to enter in additional text that will appear on all documents. You can set this on a per document basis for Invoices, Quotes, Purchase Orders, and Packing Slips.
- Invoices – additional text examples could include your standard payment terms, bank details for BACS payments or terms and conditions.
- Quotes – additional text examples could include your terms and conditions regarding to the validity of the quote.