Import Bank Transactions CSV

To import your bank transactions into Tally just map your spreadsheet according to the guidance below, making sure to include the required columns and to format them correctly.

Required Fields

The nominal code import requires two or three critical fields.  The transaction amount can be input as either two columns (money in and money out) OR a single column of value (positive for money in, negative for money out):

•     Money in – this is the amount to be credited to the bank account – it must be a number to a maximum of two decimal places and not include the currency symbol – i.e. “150.00”.

  • Money out– this is the amount to be debited from the bank account – it must be a number to a maximum of two decimal places and not include the currency symbol – i.e. “150.00”. OR
  • Value – this is the amount to be credited or debited to/ from the bank account, credited should be a positive value and debited should be a negative value– it must be a number to a maximum of two decimal places and not include the currency symbol – i.e. “-55.00”.
  • Transaction Date - this will be the date the money was received into the account or the date the money was paid out of the account.

Optional Fields

The other optional fields you can have are listed below, along with a description, how it should be formatted and example text:

  • Bank Account ID – this is the nominal code of the bank account that the payment was paid to or from, the nominal code is available in your Chart of Accounts – i.e. “1,200”.  If you are using the importer to credit/debit more than one account in a single spread sheet then this field is essential.  If you do not include this field your imported transactions will be assigned to your default bank account.
  • VAT Rate – the rate of VAT in percent that was applied to this transaction – this should be to a maximum of one decimal places and not include the percentage symbol – i.e. “17.5” .
  • N/A VAT - to set your VAT rate as N/A you need to enter negative 2 - i.e. "-2".
  • VAT Amount – this is the amount of VAT that was charged on the line item – it should not include the currency symbol and be to a maximum of two decimal places – i.e. “0.50”.
  • Comment – the description of your line item – i.e. “VAT Payment”.
  • Transaction Type – this is the transaction type of your transaction, these can be found in your Chart of Accounts – i.e. “Bank Charge”
  • Debtors - If you are assigning the payment to the debtors account you are required to include a column that includes the customer code, if you do not the import will fail.
  • Creditors - If you are assigning the payment to the creditors account you are required to include a column that includes the supplier code, if you do not the import will fail.

If you assign a column to the “Value” field then anything assigned to “Money In” or “Money Out” will be ignored.

Uploading the template

To import, click Settings > Import Data > Import CSV Files > Enter in your Username & Password > Select CSV > Select Invoice Payments > Upload your file > Use the drop downs to map the file.


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