Telephone Payments - Using PayPal Pro

You can use PayPal Pro/Merchant Account to accept payments over the telephone although the process is slightly different.  Please note that this will not work with a regular PayPal account.  This guidance talks you through how to set up and accept payments.

Setting Up

The first step is to go to Settings > Card Options.  The options at the top of the page under the header “Card-holder not present payments” are for telephone payments, use this section.  The section at the bottom labelled Pay Online is for a Pay Online button to appear on your invoices.

  1. Using the drop-down, select your payment processor as PayPal Pro.
  2. Enter in your user credentials for PayPal.  These can be accessed in PayPal by logging in to your PayPal account and selecting My Account > Profile > My selling preferences > API Access > Update > Request/View API Credentials.
  3. Select the bank account that you would like to record the payments as going into.
  4. Select the currency of your payments (please note that Tally does not currently support multi-currency bank accounts, this means that the currency should be the same as your selected bank account.
  5. Select the payment method you would like to record these payments as (you can set up payment methods by going to Settings > Payment Methods).
  6. If you would like to test your connection to the payment processor only then tick the box for test mode.  Please note that when test most is enabled payments will not be collected from your customers.
  7. If you would also like to use this processor for Pay Online Button on Invoice payments then tick the Use Above Settings box.
  8. Click Update.

If you receive the error message 10002 - Security Header is not Valid when attempting payment, you need go to Settings > Card Options and ensure that the Test Mode option is disabled.

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